
For a Happy, Healthy & Well Behaved Labrador


Labrador Online Course ($17.95 value)
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My name is Sharda Baker and I imagine we have something in common, the love of dogs.


Here you will find plenty of top quality information and help with   all aspects of the Labrador, including; the breed standard, the history, tips on purchasing a Labrador, help with training, diet and nutrition and grooming, plus more.

You will notice that I am regularly adding more articles and information to the site.  Eventually, I aim to set up an online forum and a blog, but as you know, this all takes time.

I have a FREE Labrador newsletter that you are welcome to sign up to. You will see the details on the top left of the page.

As you can imagine, all of this plus my family  keeps me very busy.This prevents me from having  the time to answer general Labrador questions.

I am always available for customers though and they always remain a priority.

If you find any spelling or other errors in any of my articles, I am quite happy to receive you valued feedback  to help  ensure the standard of this site remains as high as possible. 

Thanks again for dropping in and hope to see you back regularly.


Here's my contact address;

Sharda Baker

1901 60th Place E.

Suite L8313
Bradenton, FL 34203



My email address is sharda AT

(I wrote my email address like this to help stop SPAM getting to this website.

Where I have written "AT" you just use the @ sign like a normal email address.)


Hope that makes sense.





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