The Labrador Retriever
By: Darin Hosking
Hi, it's Sharda Bake here,
This article below that I came across from Darin
Hosking, looks briefly at the Labrador breed standard.
I thought I would share it with you.
Here we go then.
Labrador Retrievers make a fine loyal companion for man. They
are helpful to man because they are very intelligent dogs. This breed
is the perfect family dog as they are very good with children and are
adaptable with other pets. The Setters were developed for special
purposes. Their long noses are a result of selective breeding to track
the scent of game, birds and rabbits.
Other Facts About the Labrador Retrievers
Because of excellent breeding for the purpose of hunging, the Labrador
Retriever excels in drug detection. The Lab is also used as a guide dog
for the blind, and as a service dog for the disabled.
The AKC designation for the breed is Gun Dog, AKC Sporting.
History of the Labrador Retriever:
The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular breed of dog in the
United States. The breed originates from Newfoundland, Canada. The
Labrador was trained to jump overboard into icy waters to haul
fisherman's nets to shore.
The dog's fine retrieving instincts were honed and developed by careful
breeding. The Labrador Retriever is highly trainable and result in this
breed being used for many human tasks.
Physical Characteristics:
The most distinguishing characteristics of the Labrador Retriever are
its short, dense, weather resistant coat. The Retriever has an "otter"
tail. The Labrador has a broad head, thick nose, scissors bite and a
pronounced stop.
The muzzle is fairly wide and the neck is powerful. The eyes are
chestnut or hazel with an intelligent expression. The medium-sized ears
are pendant. The otter tail is strong, thick near the body then tapers.
The Retriever's limbs are strong good bone structure. The webbed feet
are used in swimming.
Bathe or dry shampoo the coat only when necessary. These dogs are
average shedders. The double coat is easy to groom. Comb and brush
regularly with a firm, bristle brush, paying close attention to the
Height & Weight
The height of the full-grown lab is 22½ to 24½
Female is 21½ to 23½ inches.
Weight of dogs and bitches in working condition:
Dogs 65 to 80 pounds;
Bitches 55 to 70 pounds.
The Labrador Retriever is easily trained. In addition to hunting, the
Labrador Retriever is loyal, courageous, intelligent and adaptable for
many human tasks. The dog is an affectionate loving companion. The Lab
is one of the most popular family and canine companions because of
their gentle, loving disposition.
Physical Accommodations:
Labrador Retrievers will do okay in an apartment if sufficiently
exercised. They are moderately active indoors and will do best with at
least an average-sized yard.
Health Problems:
Some of the health issues of the Labrador Retriever include:
Hip and elbow dysplasia
PRA and eye disorders
The Labrador Retriever like to be around people. They are active and
alert dogs that require regular exercise. These dogs crave attention
but will give back love and affection in return.
Animaroo provides in depth information on dog breeds, puppies for sale,
This site has photos, traits of specific dog breed, and common health issues.
For More information on finding and living with the Labrador Retriever - visit:
Hope you found the above article interesting.
We can never know too much can we?
All the best for now.
Sharda Baker
To Helping Make Those Dog Experiences Happy Ones.